“I entered prison broken..but I left restored.”
Recently published, Broken & Restored is a powerful story of hope and redemption, and is a must read, especially for those serving time, or connected to someone who is

Me gifting my prison Judge a copy of my autobiography, Broken and Restored.
What's Inside
Author Michael Gay Parker has chosen to reveal the worst of his sins and deepest secrets for the sake of magnifying the power in God’s grace and mercy. Born and raised in church, after facing unexpected tragedies, he decided to leave the Lord’s path and carved out his own. The path he chose was riddled with drugs, alcohol, sex, rage, and incarceration.
While at the bottom of life’s bucket, Jesus Christ was waiting to restore his brokenness. Broken and Restored is a powerful story of hope and redemption, and a must read, especially for those serving time, or connected to someone who is.
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You can believe what is between the covers of this book. If Mike is anything, he is authentic and his love for the Lord is real. May his story be strength and hope for you, the reader. I know it has been for me
Michael S. (offender)
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Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio